Ancient Wisdom, Modern Care

Digestive Care Telehealth

WellBELLY Functional Medicine

WellBELLY is a Functional Medicine practice working within the Acupuncture Clinic of Fort Collins. We have chosen to identify it as a separate business to highlight the unique difference in these appointment options. For much more information specifically about Functional Medicine, you can visit the dedicated website HERE.

Although Hippocrates has been regarded as one of the most notable health philosophers ever, we seem to have overlooked some of his wisdom. Modern science has also informed us of the importance in maintaining proper gut health, yet for a multitude of reasons, most of us do not put the time required into our health. Meanwhile the rates of obesity continue to skyrocket, food allergies are becoming more common and diagnoses like IBS or IBD are given regularly, to name a few. All of this is due to a combination of factors and uniquely individual to each person, making treatment challenging because it requires time to discuss a full history and most clinicians do not have that time to spare.

Digestive health impacts our immune health, our brain functioning, our hormones… In fact, it impacts our whole body system. It is our foundation from which we function.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on addressing the root causes of illness and disease rather than just treating symptoms. It views the body as an interconnected system and seeks to understand how various factors, such as genetics, environment, lifestyle, and nutrition, contribute to a person’s health.

In our opinion, functional medicine should be “non-diagnostic” – meaning, we want to see and fix areas of concern BEFORE they become a red flag where your PCP gives you a diagnosis and a medication to take. We will look at your routine bloodwork labs and sometimes recommend specialty labs in order to keep you in optimal levels with diet/lifestyle/supplementation. Functional medicine does NOT replace your primary care provider, but rather is a seamless fit to providing you with well rounded quality care for your life.

Who are you, the Functional Medicine Patient?

You, the Functional Medicine patient, is someone who understands that the body is complex and there is not typically a ‘quick fix.’ You are ready and motivated to take your health into your own hands and are committed to making the time for your health. This may look like finding the time to make your own meals, taking supplements for a time period, implementing stress management tools and other changes that may come up during our treatment planning. You understand that healing the body takes time and, for some, that may mean 5-8 months of concentrated effort before you see the long lasting benefits.

A special focus on Gut Health ~

The gut impacts everything. No matter the focus you want to address, we always start with the gut. We are dedicated to ensuring that you are empowered to support your gut health as a first line of defense for the rest of the body to functional optimally.

Research in recent years has highlighted the intricate relationship between the gut microbiota and various aspects of health, including (but not limited to) immune function, mental health, and metabolic regulation. For instance, studies have demonstrated that an imbalance in gut bacteria, known as dysbiosis, is associated with conditions such as inflammatory bowel diseases, allergies, obesity and estrogen dominance, to name a few. Moreover, investigations into the gut-brain axis have revealed how the gut microbiota can influence neurological processes and mood regulation, suggesting a vital link between gut health and mental well-being. Even further, emerging evidence underscores the role of the gut microbiome in modulating immune responses and protecting against pathogens, highlighting its significance in maintaining overall health.

These findings collectively highlight the importance of nurturing gut health as a fundamental component of promoting optimal health and vitality.


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